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Hi! I'm Milena - but you can call me Mile. Learn about my services and how to connect.​Wellcome! :)

Why Practicing Yoga With Mile?

Embark on a yoga journey with me that transcends the notion of enlightenment as a measure of superiority. In our practice, I emphasize realism and compassion, steering away from perfectionism. Recognizing the challenges of modern life*, I offer a flexible approach that accommodates busy schedules without compromising the essence of the practice. Having worked extensively with mothers and professionals, I acknowledge the diverse realities of daily life. My teaching is centered on creating a supportive space where individuals, regardless of their background, can connect with the transformative power of yoga and find stillness in the present moment.

*It's important to understand that yoga complements but doesn't replace professional medical or psychological guidance.


Private Classes 

Experience personalized yoga sessions tailored to your goals and schedule. Choose the tranquility of a local park or the convenience of your own home.

Online Group Classes

Join our virtual community!

 Experience the energy of group practice from the comfort of your own home.

Tuesdays and Thursdays 19h00

Wednesdays 20h00



Enrich your corporate culture or hotel experience with wellness-focused yoga events. Prioritize the well-being of your team or guests. Invest in well-being, cultivate success.

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Collabs with Studios, Gyms, Hotels and Company Events 

Mile is an inspiration to me. She is the one who has introduced Yoga to me in a light and extremely easy way for incorporating it in my everyday life. With her I have learned and I keep learning not only Asanas but also all that Yoga really means as a way of living. I could not have chosen better person than Mile for initiating me in the continuos path of Yoga and I hope she will always take part in this path. She is much more than a Yoga teacher, she is a mentor who always have a friendly word and who manages to correlates any life situation with the yoga teachings as well as with the techniques and personalized practices. She has tought me that any personal evolution begins with the "looking inside yourself" and she has been guiding me in this task in a enjoiable and natural way. It is wonderful to have a Yoga teacher who is an inspiration, a mentor and, certainly, a very especial friend.

A.,  BR/IT


I'm Milena Amthor - but you can call me Mile. I'm a passionate yoga teacher with over six years of experience. Originally from Rio de Janeiro, I now call Zurich home. My journey into yoga started during my teenage years, and in 2017, I took a deep dive into formal training, earning my certification as a yoga teacher from Premananda Yoga School with a specialization in Vinyasa Yoga under the guidance of Sá Souza Yoga.

I've had the joyfull chance of teaching numerous private clients and leading classes in various settings, from yoga and fitness studios to social programs, hotels and collaborative ventures with businesses. Bringing the transformative benefits of yoga to diverse individuals and environments is something I find deeply fulfilling.

As a recent psychology graduate, I balance my personal yoga practice with teaching while pursuing ongoing education in psychology. I recognize the distinct realms of yoga and psychology and strive to infuse my teaching with a psychological perspective, offering empathy and a nuanced understanding of each individual's unique needs and our collective societal impact.

My dedication to learning is constant, and I currently invest time in practicing Budhi Yoga under the guidance of an authorized teacher. At present, I share my knowledge through Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga classes.

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